The first group of advertising networks offer a different concepts than
traditional advertiser-publisher.
- Entrecard (link)
- Adgitize (link) •
login page (link)
- Money Hackers (link) -
finance bloggers
Classic ad networks I have had direct experience with:
Other ad networks for your web site:
And some that are useless for me:
- Google AdSense - blocked
- AdEngage (link) -
# of visits high
- Text Link Ads (link) -
requires PHP
- AuctionAds (link) - CPA & CPC
- Bidvertiser - CPC
- Yahoo (link) - U.S. only
- AVN (link) - adult ads
- BannerConnect (link) - 100k
impressions required to sign up
- Tribal Fusion (link) - 2,000
visitors per day required
- (link) - requires PHP or Perl
- CPX Interactive (link) -
10,000 unique visitors per month
Before you get engaged in any of these programs, have a look at some
definitions first.
CPA = cost per action
CPC = cost per click
CPM = cost per thousand impressions
CPM networks list,
CPC networks